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José Geraldo Vidal Vieira is an Associate Professor in the Department of Production Engineering at Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar). His field of expertise and academic focus is supply chain management and logistic of distribution in retail channel.


His research interests are related to the relationship among the supply chain partners; supplier selection, reverse logistics of eletronic products, pooling in multi-location inventory distribution systems and city logistics, focusing on logistics problems in retail, CPG industry and Logistics Service Providers. The research applies multivariate statistics and multicriteria methods.


He holds his bachelor degree in Computer Science (1997) at Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) and started the professional career as a system analyst at a company which developed software for banks. Moving back to academia in 2000, he started his master in Industrial Engineering at Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro (2002), and completed his doctorate in Production Engineering (2006) at Department of Production Engineering at Polytechnic School (POLI)-USP.


In 2006 he started his academic career as an assistant professor in the Department of Production Engineering at Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) where he worked until 2008 and then moved to UFSCar. He then continued his studies as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in freight distribution in megacities of the research group OPAC at Technology University of Eindhoven (TU/e, 2013).


At UFSCar, José Vieira currently works in the Master program in Production Engineering (PPGEPS) as a coordinator and also collaborates in the Master program in Logistics System Engineering (MLOG).


He has conducted projects sponsored by FAPESP, CNPq and FAPEMIG. He also has been participating in several committees of Master and Doctorate.


If you are interested in his research, please take a look at his current research, graduate students and list of publications.


If you would like to know more about his consultancy for business and surveys already applied, please contact him. Postdoct and graduates interested in these areas of research are also welcomed.

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